I love Supernatural...I love Jensen and his madness...How do you not guffaw looking this video?!?X°D Thanks Jared for the joke!!!!XD And thank you so much Eric Kripke to have created Supernatural,the best show in the TV's history, and Dean Winchester,the best character!!! Thanks to
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Why do I live in Italy?WHYYY? T_T I want to see the 4x02 of Supernatural,but i don't have the subs...-_- I'M DESPERATE!!!!!! I WANT DEAN...I WANT CASTIEL...I WANT SUPERNATURAL!!!!!!! So,I console myself with a picspam...*.*
Caution!!!! This post contain spoilers on Supernatural season 4.
I know it...I'm not the only one...but...I saw Supernatural season premiere...again...and again...*.* I love Supernatural...I love Dean and the Impala (I will have a '67 Chevy Impala a day...I promise!!!)...Bob is my idol and Ruby...I like Ruby's character,but...I want Katie Cassidy
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